Paul Knowles
East Base
Paul Knowles received a B.A. degree in geology at the
The trail party departed East Base on November 19, 1940,
with two dog teams of eleven dogs each and three sleds of food, supplies. and
equipment. Prior to their departure,
trail caches had been deposited along the route. They returned to East Base on January 17,
1941, after traveling over 680 nautical miles.
Paul Knowles was born on June 24, 1909, in
Antarctic Service Medal Gold
Geographical Feature: Cape Knowles
Knowles, Paul H. 1945. Glaciology of
Southern Palmer Peninsula,
Knowles, Paul H. 1945. Geology of Southern
Palmer Peninsula,
Full Photo/Films/Video Library:
“Geology of the Southern Palmer Peninsula,
Proceedings of the American
Philosophical Society, Volume 89, Part 1, 1945
“Glaciology of the Southern Palmer
Proceedings of the American Philosophical
Society, Volume 89, Part 1, 1945
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