Finn Ronne
Chief of Staff
Transportation Engineer
East Base
Finn Ronne was born on December 20, 1899, in
Ronne earned an engineering degree prior to immigrating to
In 1939,
Ronne joined the United States Antarctic Service Expedition as
(ground) transportation engineer and chief of staff. It was on this expedition that Ronne and
ornithologist Carl Eklund undertook one of the
longest sledge journeys in Antarctic history:
1264 statute miles. As a result
of this 84-day journey the two men added 460 miles of coastline to the map and
proved that Alexander I Land was, in fact, an island. For a detailed description of the trail
journey, click on the “Farthest
South” link.
Ronne returned to
Finn Ronne died on January 12, 1980, in
Antarctic Service Medal: Gold
Geographical Feature: Ronne Entrance (USGS)
Contributions: 84 Day Main Southern Sledge Journey
Ronne, Finn. 1945.
The Main Southeast Sledge Journey From East Base,
Palmer Land.
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